Development X Eco Full Notes

Development Full Notes

1. Different People Different Goals
2. Income and other goals
3. National Development
4. Income and other criteria
5. Public facilities
6.Body Mass Index
7. Sustainability of development


Definition of Development - The process in which someone or something grows or changes with time positively can be termed as development.

In this Chapter we're going to know about the development of any individual and that of any state or country.We'll see and discuss the criteria that can be used as a parameter for any of these development.

Individual Development

1. Different Person,Different Goals

Different people have different goals for development . It means different people donot understand the meaning of development in the same way,they all have different definition for it.
This is because the life situation , priority , likes and desires of people are not same.

e.g :- 
a ) For a sport person development would mean having fitness.
b) For a landless labourer it would mean to get more wages and work.
c) For a politician it would mean gaining victory in election.
d) For an unemployed youth it would be development to get a job.

1.1 Different people may have conflicting goals

There may come a situation when Different people do not only have different but also conflicting goals. It means what may be development for one may be destructive for the other.
This can be justified from the following examples.
a) Building more dams to get electricity can be :-
.development for the industrialists but
.destructive for the tribals whose land would get submerged.
b) Setting up factory can be :-
.development for the industrials and workers but
. Destructive for people of neighbouring people who would suffer from pollution.

2. Income and other goals.

From the above mentioned examples we noticed what people desire are :-
a) Regular Work
b) Job
c) better wages etc..
In other words we can say that they want more income.
But besides income people also seek other things like :-
  • Equal treatment
  • Freedom
  • Security
  • Respect of others
  • friendship
These things are non-material needs . It means they do not have any monetary value ,they cannot be measured or counted but are very important in our life.

e.g:- A women while working outside also seek respect and security.
Conclusion :- For development people look at a mix of goals including income.

3. National Development

It refers to the development of a nation. Now question that may arise is what makes a country developed ? It is obvious that there would be a variety of opinion on this matter as in the case of individual development.

Important Criterion
  • Their income is considered to be
    one of the most important attributes to compare the countries.
  • Countries with the higher incomes are considered to be more developed than others with less income.
  • income is considered an important attribute because whatever people like and should have can be easily achieved with the greater income.
  • Total Income
  • It refers to the income of all the residents of the country. It is also known as the national income .
  • However ,this is not considered an useful measure for the comparison between the countries. This is because not all the countries in the world have same population size. In such a case comparing would make no sense.
    e.g:- Comparing a country like Belgium (1cr population) with India (1.25Billion population ) based on the income of their citizens would be worthless.
Average Income
  • A new alternative average income was taken into consideration recognisimg the shortcomings of National income.
  • It refers to the total income divided by total population.It is also known as per capita income.
    Avg Income = Total Income / Total Popl
  • This criterion is used by World Bank to classify Countries.

Limitation of average income 

a)  It ignores other important factors such as education,health and pollution-free environment.
b)  It cannot help us to know how the income is distributed among people.
From the facts of above table we can easily understand that average income is not
good enough to find out if the wealths are equally distributed or not.

4. Income and other criteria 

Besides income there are many other factors necessary for the national development.This can be easily understood from the following tables:

Table 1.3

Table 1.4

IMR -- It refers to the number of children that die before the age of 1 year as a proportion of 1000 live children born in a year. 

Literacy Rate -- It measures the proportion of literate population in the 7 and above age group. 
Net Attendance Ratio --  It refers to the total number of children of age group (14-15) attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group.

Conclusion : From the above table we can easily conclude that only income is not important, rather other factors like health and education is also very essential to check development of any state. 

5.Public Facilities 

The facilities provided to people collectively either by the government or society is referred to as Public Facilities. 


➡️This is necessary because there are many things money cannot buy like pollution free environment and protection from infectious diseases. 

➡️These facilities are enjoyed collectively which makes it cheap and affordable to the people. 
6. Body Mass Index(BMI)

It is an index used to find out whether a person is nourished, undernourished or overweight. 

BMI = Weight (Kg) /(Height squared) (m squared) 

Less than 18.5 = undernourished 
18.5 -- 25= Nourished 
More than 25 = Overweight 

7. Human Development Report 

This report is published by UNDP(United Nation Development Programme)  which compares countries on the basis of educational level, health status and per capita income.  After analysing these data Human Development Index (HDI) rank is calculated. 

Conclusion :
From the above table we can easily conclude that India still needs to focus more on education as well as its health infrastructure for real development. 

8. Sustainability of Development 

The development which focuses on :
• use of resources without harming the environment and
• securing the needs of the future generation. 

Why it is required? 

• We have renewable resources which can be renewed but it can also be overused. 
e. g:- Groundwater 

• And Non-renewable resources are going to be exhausted after years of use as they are in fixed stock on Earth. 

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