The Story of Palampur Full Notes

 _The Story of Village Palampur

a) Introduction

b) Factors of production

c) Farming activities

d)Non-farming activities

a) Introduction

   •Palampur is a village connected with neighbouring towns because of well-developed roads.
   •An all weather road connects the village to Raiganj and the nearest small town Shahpur.


      •Many transports like bullock-cart, tongas, trucks, jeep, tractors and motorcycles etc are also visible 

# Population

      •There are 450 families living in Palampur.
       •80 families belong to upper caste and own majority of lands in the village. Their houses is made of brick with cement plaster.

 •⅓rd of population belong to Dalit community and live in one corner of the village. Their houses are made up of mud and straw.


  i) Electricity

              There is good connection of electricity in the village and it is also used to power all the tubewells in the field.

ii) Schools

              There are two primary school and one high school.

iii) Hospitals

              There is a primary health centre run by government and a private dispensary.

_Summary of the introduction_ 

Palampur has-

  •Well-developed roads





  •Health centre

The story of this hypothetical village is given to explain the concepts of production in village.

2. Organization of production

`In villages across India, farming is the main production activity.

 The other production activities such as small manufacturing transport, shop keeping etc. are referred to as non-farming activities.

The aim of production is to produce goods and services.

There are 4 requirements for its production:-

  i) Land and other natural resources such as water, forests and minerals.

  ii) Labours (Persons who will do the work)

 •Some production activities require highly educated workers to perform the necessary task.

 •Other activities require workers who can do manual work.

 iii) Physical Capital

  The variety of things required at every stage during production is known as physical capital. It is divided into two types:

 a) Fixed capital

      The capital that can be used in production over many years is called fixed capital.

It means once you buy it, you can rest assured for many years.

 e.g-Tools( Plough), Machines( Generators, Turbines, Computers) and Buildings.

b)Working Capital

        The capital that are used up in production in short time is referred to as working capital.

It means you need to be concerned these things everything during production. 

  e.g- a. Raw materials ---  i) Yarn for weaver

        ii) Clay for potter

      And  b. Money in hand

  Some money is always required during production to make payments and buy some necessary items.

 iv)Human Capital

  The person who will use his knowledge and skill to put together land, labour and physical capital had produced a desired output.Such a person is referred to as human capital.

*Factors of Production*

  Land,labour,physical capital and human capital when combined are known as factors of production. 

  _Note_-In this chapter we will let you know more about the first three factors of production.

3) Farming in Palampur_

    Farming is the main production activity in Palampur.75% of people are depended on farming in their livelihood.They could be farmers or farm labourers.

     a)Land is fixed:-

                   Land under cultivation is practically fixed.Some of the wasteland in village had been converted into cultivable land. 

                 There is no further scope to increase farm production by bringing new land under cultivation. 

      b)How to increase production from the fixed land?

             In this chapter we'll discuss mainly two ways of increasing production from the same fixed land. 

    i)Multiple cropping

            The process of growing more than one crop on a piece of land during the year is known as multiple cropping. 

    e.g:- •During the rainy season farmers grow jowar and bajra.These plants are used as cattle feed. 

            •(Oct to Dec)-Potato is grown in these periods of time. 

            •Winter season-Fields are sown with wheat.

Q. How has multiple cropping been successfull in Palampur?

Ans:-The multiple cropping has been successfull in Palampur due to well developed system of irrigation and it become possible by the use of tubewells.

  ii) Modern farming

          This is another method for increasing the production from the same piece of land is to is to use modern farming methods. 

        In this method HYV (High Yielding Varities) seeds along with chemical fertilizers, pesticides and plenty of water is used to produce the best result.

              The combination of all this results in producing higher yields as more grains on a single plant was obtained. 

This was mainly applied for the cultivation of wheat and rice.

It was first tried by the farmers of Punjab and Haryana and they were awarded with higher yield of grains. 

      This is also known as Green revolution.

 Yield:-It is measured as crops produced on a piece of land during a season.

 #Harms of Modern Farming Method

   i. Green revolution caused loss of soil fertility due to use of chemical fertilizers.

   ii. Use of groundwater for tubewell irrigation has led to the depletion of the water table.

d) Land distribution Among the Farmers

      First of all it should be clear that lands are not equally distributed in Palampur. They are done in the following way:-

     i) Dalits had no land for cultivation.

     ii) 240 families are small farmers,so they own less than a hectares of land.It doesn't bring much income to them.

     iii) More than 2 hectares of land are owned by 60 medium & large farmers.

e)Who will provide the labour?

    There are two types of farmers in Palampur:

     iSmall Farmers --- They along with their families cultivate their own field.It means that they provide the labours themselves.

ii. Medium and Large farmers:-

        -They hire farm labourers to work on their fields. 

        -Farm labourers could be either landless or small farmers.

#Farm labourers

 -They are paid wages by the farmers for when they work.

 -The wages can be in cash or in kind of crops. The wages vary from region to region , crop to crop and one farm activity to another. 

 -They may be employed on a daily basis or for one farm activity like harvesting or for the whole year. 

 -They get very low wages because of abundance of labour.

f) The Capital needed in Farming

  i. Small Farmers

              They borrow many from large farmers or the moneylenders or the traders who supply various input for cultivation. The rate of interest is very high. 

   ii. Medium and Large Farmers

              Medium and large farmers have their own saving from farming. They are able to arrange for the capital needed easily. 

g) Sale for Surplus Farm Products

    i. Small Farmers

                 They do not have that much production to supply in the markets. 

   ii. Large Farmers and Medium Farmers

              They have more land so  they have surplus products. They sell  it to the markets and use their savings for capital.

 4. Non-farm Activities in Palampur

   25%  of the people work in non-farm industry.

 i) Dairy

    A large no. of people are involved in dairy in non-farm activities.

    They feed their buffaloes and sell this milk to Raiganj. A collection-cum- chilling centers is set up at Raiganj by two traders from Shahpur. And from there it is now transported to far away towns and cities.

 ii) Small-Scale Manufacturing

  •Less than 50 people are involved in manufacturing but it done on small scale. 

  •They are carried out mostly at homes or in the fields with the help of family labour.

 iii) Shopkeepers

     •They  buy goods from wholesale markets in the cities and sell then in the village.

     •They generally sell items like rice, wheat, sugar, tea, biscuits, soaps, pens and pencils etc.

     •Few families whose houses are close to the bus stand -- sell eatables. 

iv) Transport

    •Rickchawallahs,tongawallahs,jeep, tractor, truck drivers are people in the transport service.

•They ferry goods and people from one place to another.

•The number of people involved in it has increased.

~Seminary Classes 

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