1.The Rise Of Nationalism in
• Practice Set Class - 10th
• Very Short Answer Question
# Who was Frederic Sorrieu?
➢ A French artist.
1) La patrie stands for…………….
➢ The Fatherland.
2) Le citoyen stands for…………….
➢ The Citizen.
3) Ernst Renan was a…………….. philospher.
➢ French.
4) When was Napoleonic Code passed?
➢ 1804.
5) What was the other name of civil code of Napoleon?
➢ Napoleonic Code.
6) Name any two countries conqured by Napoleon?
➢ Poland and Switzerland.
7) Who believed in the idea of liberal Nationalism?
➢ Middle class.
8) when was zollverein formed?
➢ 1834.
9) Who initated the formation of zollverein?
➢ Prussia.
10) When did battle of waterloo take place?
➢ 1815.
11) Who participated in the battle of waterloo?
➢ Napolean vs Russia,Prussia,Austria,Britain.
12) When was Treaty of Vienna signed?
➢ 1815.
13) Who headed the Vienna Congress of 1815?
➢ Duke Matternich.
14) Secret societies were formed by whom?
➢ Revoluntaries.
15) Why secret societies were formed?
➢ To oppose Monarchy.
16) who founded young Italy and young Europe?
➢ Mazzini.
17) Who believed that God had intened nations to be
Natural units of mankind?
➢ Mazzini.
18) Name the countries where secret societies were
formed on the Mazzini Model.
➢ Germany,France,Switzwerland and Poland.
19) Who was described as the most dangerous enemy
of their social order by Matternich?
➢ Mazzini.
20) Where did july revolution take place?
➢ France.
~ Seminary Classes