Independence Day
We celebrate Independence day every year on 15th of August.Because this is the day on which we got freedom from the British rule.
Today we're enjoying the freedom, but it couldn't be possible without the sacrifices of the great freedom fighters.
Getting freedom from the Britishers was really an impossible task our forefathers did with their continuous efforts. We can never forget the effort of Gandhiji,Nehru,Bhagat Singh,Maulana Azad and many more and always remember them through the history. We can give them a heartily salute. They would always be in our memories and way of inspiration to us whole life.
Even after getting independence we can't say that we've achieved what the founding fathers of our nation had dreamt of. Still we're facing the problem of illiteracy, corruption, dowry, Mob lynching, stereotypes towards Muslims and Dalits.
We still have the problem of discrimination on the basis of Gender, Caste,Religion.
Conclusion :- On this day we should take a pledge that we'll try our best to make our country much better place for all of its citizens. And we should never do anything that compromises with the peace and harmony of our country.